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福寿螺原分布于南美洲,20世纪80年代作为一种水生经济生物引入我国,后因食味不佳被弃于水生环境,因其具有繁殖力高、适应性强、食性杂等特点,在我国多个区域迅速扩散入侵,已给农业生产、生态系统、人类健康等造成了严重的危害。文章对福寿螺入侵现状进行了深入分析与系统总结,介绍了现有福寿螺防控技术手段,重点阐述环境友好型福寿螺防控技术并对其进行了研究展望。目前,针对福寿螺防控实施的多种物理、化学和生物措施,治理效果不一,植物源生物控制技术因具有更高效、更经济、对非靶细胞更安全等优点,成为防治福寿螺的研究热点。然而此类研究多数集中于简单的毒杀效果试验,较少涉及毒杀机理、生殖系统等。本文旨在为全面了解我国福寿螺入侵现状、防控研究进展提供理论指导,为进一步探究福寿螺防控技术提供对策与新的思路。  相似文献   
目的:观察三重措施预防为基础,联合非阿片镇痛药复合静脉全麻在行鼾症手术患者术后恶心呕吐的应用效果。方法:选择择期行鼾症手术男性病人80例,随机分为两组:吸入麻醉组(inhalation group, IHLA组)和静脉麻醉组(intravenous group, TIVA组),每组40例,两组均采用三重措施预防恶心呕吐,IHLA组采用以舒芬太尼为基础复合七氟烷吸入麻醉,TIVA组以氯胺酮和右美托咪定镇痛基础上丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉。评估两组病人恶心呕吐危险系数,采用李克特量表(Likert scale),记录并分析两组患者术后6~8 h在麻醉后监测治疗室(post anesthesia care unit, PACU)及病房24 h恶心呕吐发生情况及补救用药用量。结果:两组患者一般临床资料、恶心呕吐风险评分、手术时间、术后恢复期补救用药量人数无显著差异(P>0.05);IHLA组在PACU恶心呕吐发生率为39.5%,TIVA组发生率为18.9%,两者相比有显著性差异(P<0.05);IHLA组病房24 h恶心呕吐严重程度高于TIVA组,两组术后需要补救应用抗呕吐药物用量无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:以三重措施预防为基础,与吸入麻醉相比,非阿片类镇痛药复合静脉麻醉可以减少肥胖病人鼾症手术术后恶心呕吐发生率和严重程度,降低围术期风险,有利于患者早期恢复。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨儿童重症监护病房白色念珠菌血流感染暴发的临床表现、危险因素、控制措施等,为预防和控制院内白色念珠菌血流感染暴发提供科学依据。方法:以2018年7月我院儿童重症监护病房发生的4例白色念珠菌血流感染暴发患儿为研究对象,分析患儿临床情况、临床特征、危险因素、暴发原因以及采取的预防控制措施。结果:4例医院感染暴发白色念珠菌血流感染患儿均存在基础疾病、有机械通气史、存在中心静脉或动脉置管、静脉或动脉置管前后均使用碘伏消毒、曾使用广谱抗生素、输血制品,白色念珠菌血流感染后最突出的临床表现均是发热。药敏方面,医院感染暴发的4例白色念珠菌感染患儿对唑类及5-氟胞嘧啶均耐药,但对两性霉素B均敏感。经拔除血管置管、减少或者避免广谱抗菌药的应用,根据药敏使用卡泊芬净及两性霉素B抗真菌等积极治疗,1例患儿放弃治疗后死亡,3例患儿顺利出院。通过Fisher确切概率法分析可知,留置中心静脉或动脉置管是儿童重症监护病房发生医院感染暴发白色念珠菌血流感染的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:留置中心静脉或动脉置管是儿童重症监护病房发生医院感染暴发白色念珠菌血流感染的危险因素,医院感染暴发白色念珠菌血流感染患儿最突出的临床表现是发热,唑类及5-氟胞嘧啶耐药的患儿使用卡泊芬净及两性霉素B可能获得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   
血链球菌在不同牙周状态下的分布及相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨口腔主要过氧化氢产生菌血链球菌和口腔链球菌在不同牙周健康状态下龈下菌群中的分布,及与牙周健康状态和牙龈卟啉单胞菌群中分布的相互关系。方法:纳入符合标准的受试者30人,受试位点86个,其中健康组11人,位点30个,龈炎组9人,位点29个,慢性牙周炎组10人,位点27个,检查记录牙周健康状态[包括牙龈指数(GI)和牙周袋深度(PD)],采集龈下菌斑标本,经厌氧菌培养基和AP-PCR及PCR鉴定后,将各受试组进行比较分析。结果:共获得草绿色链球菌523株,产黑色素菌241株。经AP-PCR及PCR鉴定后,得到血链球菌112株,口腔链球菌56株,牙龈卟啉单胞菌84株,健康组龈下菌斑中血链球菌,口腔链球菌和牙龈卟啉单胞菌构成比与牙周炎组相比有差异显著性;血链球菌和口腔链球菌与GI、PD呈负相关,牙龈卟啉菌与GI、PD呈正相关;血链球菌的构成与牙龈卟啉单胞菌的构成比呈负相关。结论:血链球菌等过氧化氢产生菌在龈下菌斑中比例的下降。可能是微生态失衡,致病菌过度增殖的重要机制。  相似文献   
西藏年楚河流域水土流失及生态重建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱成 《生态学杂志》2002,21(5):74-77
西藏著名粮仓年楚河流域位于北纬 2 8°10′~2 9°2 0′、东经 88°35′~ 90°15′ ,地处喜马拉雅地质构造区中段。年楚河全长 2 17km ,平均坡降 0 .6 1% ,落差达 132 2m ,大致呈东南 西北流向 ,于日喀则附近逆向汇入雅鲁藏布江。行政区划上包括康马、日喀则县大部和江孜、白朗县全部 ,总面积 6 311km2 ,耕地面积 4 .70× 10 4 ha ,农业人口 16 .5 9万人 ,分别占西藏自治区的 0 .9% ,13.5 %和 7.7% ,现为国家级农业综合开发区“一江两河”(雅鲁藏布江中游及其支流拉萨河、年楚河流域 )地区的重要组成部分。近年 ,水土流失对生态环…  相似文献   
Objective: The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of a parent‐focused behavioral intervention on parent and child eating changes and on percentage of overweight changes in families that contain at least one obese parent and a non‐obese child. Research Methods and Procedures: Families with obese parents and non‐obese children were randomized to groups in which parents were provided a comprehensive behavioral weight‐control program and were encouraged to increase fruit and vegetable intake or decrease intake of high‐fat/high‐sugar foods. Child materials targeted the same dietary changes as their parents without caloric restriction. Results: Changes over 1 year showed that treatment influenced targeted parent and child fruit and vegetable intake and high‐fat/high‐sugar intake, with the Increase Fruit and Vegetable group also decreasing their consumption of high‐fat/high‐sugar foods. Parents in the increased fruit and vegetable group showed significantly greater decreases in percentage of overweight than parents in the decreased high‐fat/high‐sugar group. Discussion: These results suggest that focusing on increasing intake of healthy foods may be a useful approach for nutritional change in obese parents and their children.  相似文献   
70年代以来柑桔灾害性天气综述及防御措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张名福 《生态学杂志》2001,20(4):79-80,F004
20世纪 70年代以来 ,我国柑桔 (Citrsreticulata)生产有了迅速增长 ,但由于全球气候的变化 ,出现不利于柑桔生长的灾害性天气 ,并有愈演愈烈的趋势 ,给柑桔生产带来了极大的影响。弄清灾害性天气的发生及规律 ,并提出其防御措施 ,对于进一步科学指导柑桔生产 ,完善柑桔与生境的理论 ,都有一定的现实意义。1 灾害性天气1.1 周期性大冻害据统计 ,公元 14 5 0 - 1979年的 5 2 9年中共出现了 79个严重冻害年 ,平均 10年中有 1.5次。从顺昌县及福建省的气象资料看出 ,约 9~ 10年有 1次周期性的大冻害 ,并在福建省几个县市均有…  相似文献   
Dynamic gait stability can be quantified by the relationship of the motion state (i.e. the position and velocity) between the body center of mass (COM) and its base of support (BOS). Humans learn how to adaptively control stability by regulating the absolute COM motion state (i.e. its position and velocity) and/or by controlling the BOS (through stepping) in a predictable manner, or by doing both simultaneously following an external perturbation that disrupts their regular relationship. Post repeated-slip perturbation training, for instance, older adults learned to forward shift their COM position while walking with a reduced step length, hence reduced their likelihood of slip-induced falls. How and to what extent each individual joint influences such adaptive alterations is mostly unknown. A three-dimensional individualized human kinematic model was established. Based on the human model, sensitivity analysis was used to systematically quantify the influence of each lower limb joint on the COM position relative to the BOS and the step length during gait. It was found that the leading foot had the greatest effect on regulating the COM position relative to the BOS; and both hips bear the most influence on the step length. These findings could guide cost-effective but efficient fall-reduction training paradigm among older population.  相似文献   
Approximately 320,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the United States each year are non-contact injuries, with many occurring during a single-leg jump landing. To reduce ACL injury risk, one option is to improve muscle strength and/or the activation of muscles crossing the knee under elevated external loading. This study?s purpose was to characterize the relative force production of the muscles supporting the knee during the weight-acceptance (WA) phase of single-leg jump landing and investigate the gastrocnemii forces compared to the hamstrings forces. Amateur male Western Australian Rules Football players completed a single-leg jump landing protocol and six participants were randomly chosen for further modeling and simulation. A three-dimensional, 14-segment, 37 degree-of-freedom, 92 muscle-tendon actuated model was created for each participant in OpenSim. Computed muscle control was used to generate 12 muscle-driven simulations, 2 trials per participant, of the WA phase of single-leg jump landing. A one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc analysis showed both the quadriceps and gastrocnemii muscle force estimates were significantly greater than the hamstrings (p<0.001). Elevated gastrocnemii forces corresponded with increased joint compression and lower ACL forces. The elevated quadriceps and gastrocnemii forces during landing may represent a generalized muscle strategy to increase knee joint stiffness, protecting the knee and ACL from external knee loading and injury risk. These results contribute to our understanding of how muscle?s function during single-leg jump landing and should serve as the foundation for novel muscle-targeted training intervention programs aimed to reduce ACL injuries in sport.  相似文献   
以苦瓜枯萎病菌为靶标菌,通过对峙培养试验和发酵滤液抑菌试验对分离自苦瓜根际土壤的放线菌进行筛选。候选菌株0250具有广谱抗真菌活性,根据培养特征、生理生化特性以及与同源性相近的菌株进行平均核苷酸一致性分析,被鉴定为Streptomyces rhizosphaericus,并评估了该菌株在温室和田间对苦瓜的促生长和防治枯萎病效果。结果表明: 链霉菌菌株0250对苦瓜枯萎病菌的平板抑制率为69.2%,对17种植物病原真菌的平板抑制率达64.3%~85.6%;该菌株的菌悬液处理能促进盆栽和田间苦瓜植株根、茎生长发育,提升产量,对苦瓜枯萎病的防病效果分别为66.9%和61.5%。预先用菌株0250菌悬液处理土壤再接种病原菌,对土壤尖镰孢菌数量抑制率达62.1%,显著提高了苦瓜幼苗苯丙氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及根系活力。总之,菌株0250是一株对苦瓜枯萎病具有巨大生防潜力的放线菌资源。  相似文献   
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